Do you have a way with words and an ability to craft compelling narratives? If so, a career in public relations (PR) could perfectly match your skill set. Take the next step in your professional development with our online PR courses.
Designed by experts in the PR industry, this course teaches you the skills you’ll need to succeed in this dynamic field.
Explore our course breakdown below or enroll now to get started.
Course Outline
When you enroll in our PR courses, you will complete the following units of study:
1 Introduction to Public Relations - How is public relations different from advertising or marketing?
- What is public relations
2 The Functions of Public Relations Specialist - Public relations roles
- Creating a PR plan
- Media relations
- Developing a media list
- Distributing
- PR techniques
- Press release writing
- Media kit development
- Feature articles
- News conferences
- Custom tailored events
- Crisis communication
- Internet public relations
- Monitoring
- Building a website
- PR techniques
3 Careers in Public Relations - Types of employers
- Corporate and high tech
- Non-profit
- Government
- Public relations agencies
- Preparing a portfolio
- Advertised and unadvertised positions
- The interview
- What employers are looking for
- How to make a good first impression
- Interview questions
- Researching the company
4 Starting Your Own Public Relations Agency or Freelancing - Is self-employment for you?
- Develop a business plan
- Create a marketing plan
- Financial considerations
- Setting your rates
- Contracts and agreements
5 Client Acquisition - Types of clients
- Marketing your services
- Promoting yourself
- Preparing proposals
6 Historical Development - History of public relations
- PR and related discipline
- Groups to communicate with
- PR techniques
7 The Role of Public Relations - The four-step PR process model
- Users of public relations
- Roles of public relations practitioners
- Social trends and PR
8 Functions and Techniques of Public Relations - Areas of work
- Communication with identified publics
- Functions on an internal public relations department
- Public relations tools
9 Operation of a Public Relations Department or Consultancy - Comparing in house PR departments and consultancies
- Roles and responsibilities within PR departments and consultancies
How Will You Benefit?
There are many benefits associated with studying our PR courses online. For example, you will:
- Expedite your career in public relations
- Study a learning programme that has been developed in consultation with senior PR professionals
- Save time and money by learning remotely
- Set your own timetable
- Have a personal tutor who is available to answer questions and provide advice
- Save 10% on your course fee by paying upfront, or opt for our interest-free weekly payment plan
Start experiencing the benefits of our PR courses for yourself by enrolling today!
Career Prospects
Working in PR, you will be responsible for helping to manage an organization’s or individual’s public image and reputation. You’ll have the chance to showcase your abilities in an exciting, media-related career, performing a crucial role in shaping public reactions. You could work with corporations, governments, political parties, celebrities, non-profit groups and a whole range of other organizations and individuals who rely on PR specialists.
Effective PR is essential in helping organizations to flourish. Regardless of how good a business’ products or services are, if they fail to send the right message to consumers, they will struggle to succeed. The fact is, negative public opinion can destroy an organization. And with the internet giving everyone a platform on which to share their opinions with a global audience, reputation management is now more important than ever before. The skills of PR experts are therefore in high demand.
A wide range of opportunities
With the right credentials, you could become a:
- PR consultant
- PR officer
- Publicist
- Communications consultant
- Product manager
- Marketing analyst
- Journalist
You may decide to work for an organization, or if you want the autonomy that comes with being your own boss, you could go it alone and work on a freelance basis or set up your own consultancy.
Course Levels Explained
Our PR course leads to the awarding of a Diploma. This qualification recognizes the graduate’s capacity for initiative and judgement across a broad range of technical and management functions. Diploma holders typically have personal responsibility and autonomy (semi-independence) in performing technical operations or organizing others in the workplace.
There are NO previous work or education requirements for entry into our PR course.
So if you want to expand your knowledge and skills in this dynamic and growing industry, simply enroll today.
Course Length
Students typically complete their studies within 24 weeks.
With ICI, you get to decide how long it takes to complete your PR learning programme. If you want to graduate quickly, you can fast track your studies and finish within a matter of months. If on the other hand you would prefer to take your time, you have up to three years to complete the course.
Study Mode: Online Learning
Our PR course is carried out exclusively online, meaning you don’t have to travel to attend lessons in person. Distance learning, also sometimes called correspondence learning, puts you in control. You dictate your timetable, studying whenever and wherever you wish, from anywhere in the world. This makes it much easier to fit your learning around existing commitments, including work and family life.
All of our events, media and PR courses are designed to be highly engaging, making it easy to stay focused and motivated throughout your learning programme. And if you have any questions or need guidance at any point, your personal tutor will be on hand to help.
Recognition & Accreditation
This course is recognised and accredited by the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC).Like all ICI learning programmes, it has been developed to take you far beyond theory. It teaches you essential practical skills that will help you to gain a competitive advantage in the PR profession.
Already in the Profession or Industry?
Already working in PR or a related field? This is the course for you. It provides you with a way to consolidate and expand on your existing knowledge and skills, helping you to thrive in this profession. Whether you want to gain a promotion or simply enhance your skill set, completing our PR course is one of the most practical steps you can take in terms of furthering your professional development.
Course fees can be claimed as a tax deduction providing the learning programme is sufficiently connected to your work activities.
What Do I Get?
All the materials you need to complete our online PR course are included in the course fee. Once you enroll, you will receive:
- All required study materials and course notes
- Assignment projects with constructive tutor feedback
- A tutor who will answer all of your course and career questions and provide guidance
Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive:
- A graduation certificate officially recognizing your successful completion of studies and qualifications as a public relations specialist
- Transcripts indicating the units completed
- A letter of recommendation and validation for current and future employers
- Post-nominal letters placed after your name which indicate that you hold the relevant qualification (For example: John Smith, DipPR)
- Job search assistance: discover more about our Graduate Career Services Programme
Cut Off Date
Friday, 21st February 2025 is the next enrollment cut off date. Places are limited, in demand and entry into the course is on a first come first served basis.
Your enrollment is processed and acknowledged within 24 hours of the Institute receiving your application. You can expect to receive your course within days of enrolling. When you start your ICI course it’s at your own pace and you determine when you finish.
Don’t miss out. Enroll today!