Businesses across all industries need human resource (HR) specialists to help manage their workforces. If you want to be part of this dynamic and rewarding profession, take the next step in your career with our online HR courses.
When you choose ICI, you will study a course designed in consultation with senior professionals in the HR industry, giving you the competitive advantage you’re looking for.
Explore our course breakdown below or enroll now to get started.
Course Outline
When you enroll in our HR courses, you will complete the following units of study:
1 Manage Human Resource Consultancy Services - Determine strategies for delivery of human resource services
- Manage the delivery of human resource services
- Evaluate HR service delivery
2 Manage Human Resource Information Systems - Identify HR information requirements
- Select HR information management system
- Implement HR information system
- Monitor / evaluate performance of HR information system
3 Manage Performance Management Systems - Develop performance management systems
- Implement performance management systems
- Coordinate formal feedback processes
- Coordinate individual / group learning development plans
- Manage industrial relations and processes
- Negotiations
- Conflict management and dispute resolution
- Develop industrial relations (IR) strategies / policies
4 Manage Remuneration and Employee Benefits - Remuneration packaging, strategy and development
- Market rates review
- Legislative aspects of remuneration and employee benefits
5 Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes - Develop recruitment selection and induction processes
- Recruitment and selection of staff
- Manage induction of staff
6 Manage Separation/Termination - Establishment and maintenance of systems to deal with redeployment, separation and termination of employment
- Resignation
- Retirement
- Dismissal and redundancy, including exit interviews
7 Manage Work/Life Skills - Research and analyse work/life needs
- Plan work / life skills project
- Implement, administer and monitor project
- Evaluate projects
How Will You Benefit?
There are many benefits associated with studying our HR courses online. For example, you will:- Expedite your career in human resources
- Access learning materials developed with input from government and the HR industry
- Set your own timetable, allowing you to study at your own pace
- Avoid the expense and inconvenience of travelling to attend in-person lessons
- Have your own personal tutor to support you throughout the learning programme
- Save 10% on the course fee by paying upfront, or opt for our interest-free weekly payment plan
Discover the benefits for yourself by enrolling in our online HR courses today!
Career Prospects
Human resource managers are in demand across all industries, meaning that job prospects for HR specialists and managers are strong. These experts are integral to a wide range of employee-related tasks. For example, working in this role, you could be responsible for:
- Recruiting employees
- Making sure new workers are properly inducted
- Overseeing training and development programmes
- Giving advice on performance, sickness absence and employment relations
- Ensuring workers have the correct benefits and pay
- Keeping up to date with laws surrounding health and safety, as well as equality
- Handling disciplinary action and complaints
- Providing advice on employment law, pay negotiations and redundancy
- Maintaining employee records
- Developing HR policies and handbooks
- Making sure workers have access to support services such as counselling
A variety of opportunities
As an HR specialist, you might be employed within an organization’s human resources department, or you could work for a specialist HR agency that provides outsourced HR assistance for companies that don’t have their own internal human resource departments.
There are opportunities in small and large private companies, as well as public sector organizations and charities. Alternatively, if you want the freedom of working for yourself, there is the option of setting up your own consultancy to provide advice on HR issues.
Earning Potential
The earning potential on a median basis is $46,000 to $66,000 annually. Top level executive positions can earn up to $150,000. As with all salaries variations can be expected based on the level of experience, training, location and size of the organization you are employed with.
Course Levels Explained
Our HR courses lead to the awarding of either a Diploma or Advanced Diploma, depending on which level you enroll at. The different levels are determined by the amount of course content and assessments involved within each module at the intermediate (Diploma) and advanced (Advanced Diploma) levels. Learn more about the differences between the two levels below:
These qualifications recognise graduates’ capacity for initiative and judgement across a broad range of technical and management functions. Diploma holders typically have personal responsibility and autonomy (semi-independence) in performing technical operations or organizing others in the workplace.
Advanced Diploma
The graduate is able to apply a significant range of principles and techniques across various contexts and functions. Graduates can expect to be involved in significant judgements, planning and leadership/guidance functions that relate to workplace products, services, operations or procedures.
There are NO previous work or education requirements for entry into either course level. You can enroll directly in the Diploma or Advanced Diploma without completing lower ranked qualifications.
Graduates can expect higher course levels to result in a higher potential salary, positions and skill capabilities.
Course Length
The average time within which students complete their studies is:
Diploma Level 24 weeks Advanced Diploma Level 31 weeks However, one of the advantages of taking an online HR course with ICI is the fact that you get to determine your own timetable. Without any assessment deadlines to worry about, you can work at your own pace.
If you wish to complete the learning programme as quickly as possible, you can graduate in a matter of months. Alternatively, you can take your time. We allow students up to three years to finish our HR courses.
Study Mode: Online Learning
Our HR courses are carried out entirely online via distance learning. Also sometimes called correspondence learning, this approach gives you the flexibility you need to fit your studies around existing commitments. So, whether you need to adapt your schedule around a full or part-time job, childcare commitments or anything else, you can do so with ease.
You have total control over when and where you study, meaning you can complete the programme from anywhere in the world – all without having to spend time and money travelling to attend classes in person. And throughout your course, you will have access to your own personal tutor to provide advice and answer any questions you may have.
Like all ICI business courses, our HR course has been developed to be highly engaging, so you won’t struggle to stay motivated through to graduation.
Recognition & Accreditation
This course is recognised and accredited by the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC).Written and tutored by HR industry professionals, this course goes far beyond the theory of human resources and teaches you key practical skills that will help you to thrive in this dynamic and competitive profession.
Already in the Profession or Industry?
Already working in human resources or a related field? This course is for you. It will help you to consolidate and expand on your knowledge and is one of the most practical steps you can take to advance your career, helping you to gain a promotion or better paid role.
Course fees can be claimed as a tax deduction as long as the learning programme is sufficiently connected to your work activities.
What Do I Get?
All the materials you need to complete our online HR courses are included in the course fee. When you enroll, you will receive:
- All required study materials and course notes
- Assignment projects with constructive tutor feedback
- A tutor who will answer all of your course and career questions and provide guidance
Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive:
- A graduation certificate officially recognizing your successful completion of studies and qualifications as a human resources professional
- Transcripts indicating the units completed
- A letter of recommendation and validation for current and future employers
- Post-nominal letters placed after your name which indicate that you hold the relevant qualification (for example: John Smith, DipHR)
- Job search assistance: discover more about our Graduate Career Services Programme
Cut Off Date
Friday, 21st February 2025 is the next enrollment cut off date. Places are limited, in demand and entry into the course is on a first come first served basis.
Your enrollment is processed and acknowledged within 24 hours of the Institute receiving your application. You can expect to receive your course within days of enrolling. When you start your ICI course it’s at your own pace and you determine when you finish. Don’t miss out. Enroll today!
Course Investment & Payment Plans
Select diploma level to see payment options